Golf Fitness and Conditioning

Each individual golfer has limitations, weakness and restrictions that need to be dealt with on an individual basis. Research and scientific studies have proven that a golf specific fitness program will improve ball striking, reduce injury and increase club head speed. Swinging the golf club is a highly athletic event that requires 90% of peak muscle activity. Optimal mobility is required in all joints of the body to generate a golf swing. Any deficiencies in range of motion will manifest in compensations that put strain or stress on the joints and connective tissue of the hips, back, shoulders and elbows.

After being evaluated by a Certified Golf Biomechanic at Fitness Philosophy Physical Therapy, players will be given a stretching and flexibility program specific to their needs. Players will then learn how, when and what stretches are most effective for them. The first step in any golf specific fitness program, is to identify the short tight and the long weak muscles. If problems arise in joint movement and strength due to mechanical dysfunction or pathologies, a player can be formally evaluated by one of our licensed physical therapists. It is imperative that players have the movement ability to execute the squat, bend and rotate patterns with no restrictions. These movement abilities are needed to create force and the kinetic sequencing to crack the whip at impact. This kinetic sequencing is critical to good ball striking. This is a result of having proper flexibility, stability, strength and power. The next step is to design and teach exercise programs that progress physical ability to play better and enjoy the game more.